Founder Stories and Lessons - 1
I never had a clue about the meaning of the word resilienceduring my years at university. I know I just liked the personality of Abraham Lincoln when I wrote a snippet which was was published in the Times of Indiasometime around 1998.
My teacher and my dad always narrated his stories in bits and pieces, but I don't know when I started to emotionally invest with him for good. I absorbed his qualities. His persona started resonating with me whenever I hit the “What's happening! Just give up!” junctures. He appears to poke and say “Really? You want to give up on such trivial things after realizing me?”

He stands big and tall even today and the difference is that, with time, I have understood the lessons of resilience from him. He is the hero and epitome of resilience for me. For an entrepreneur, this is indeed a sizeable asset.“Don't give up” – however crazy, however strenuous.
You never know when your childhood stories get so deep.
You never know who you are absorbing.
But, they leave an impact…. for life, of theirs with yours.
– Dr. Pratima Jagadeesh
Stories resonate from long. I have loads of them and would like to share along on how Crecers shaped up with its echoing roots.
To be continued…